When you have been put in charge of planning and carrying out a corporate event, there is one thing that you should be focusing on, and that is the food. When you have good food at an event, most people will report back that the event was a success. Picking the right food might seem like a lot of pressure, but it doesn’t have to be. You can choose fabulous food when you remember one thing; people love pizza. When you choose pizza, you will have a room full of happy employees. Mama Mead’s Pizzeria is here to talk about why pizza is such a great food option anytime you’re holding a corporate event.
Why is Pizza the Perfect Catering Food?
Here are just a few reasons why pizza is the perfect corporate event food:
– Everyone Likes Pizza: If you asked around, you would be hard pressed to find someone that said they hated to eat pizza. It is a food that is a crowd pleaser. This is the number one reason that it is a great food for any corporate event that you might be in charge of planning.
– Pizza Variety: When it comes to pizza, there are several different toppings and flavor options that you can offer to give variety to those that are attending the event. You don’t have to stick to pepperoni and cheese either. You can choose some more exotic toppings like Brussels sprouts or even pears.
– Cater to Dietary Needs: There might be some people in your group that have dietary restrictions that can easily be catered to with pizza. Gluten free? No problem. Vegetarian? Say no more. You can customize the toppings and crusts to fit those that will be there and can’t eat certain foods.
– Pizza is Convenient: You don’t have to get fancy when you’re having pizza if you don’t want to. All you need is a napkin and fork to make for a delicious meal. Because of the simplicity and convenience of the pizza, people can socialize, and the event can carry on while eating is happening.
– Freshness of Pizza: One of the most beautiful things about pizza is that it is made to order. You don’t have to worry about preheating the food or thawing out something that is frozen. When you have catered pizza, it is fresh and delicious.
– Affordable Pizza: Sometimes, having an event catered can be pricey. When you have a pizzeria cater your event, it is an affordable option that will please everyone. If you have a large number of guests and a small budget, you can count on pizza to come through with the win.
Restaurant Offering Dine-In, Pick-Up, Delivery & Catering of Pizza, Wings, Salads & More in Longmont, CO (Just Minutes from Boulder, Hygiene, Lyons, Niwot, Lafayette, Louisville, Broomfield, Berthoud, Loveland & Denver Colorado)
If you’re getting ready to host a corporate event, you can turn to Mama Mead’s Pizzeria to cater your event with a delicious pizza bar. We will customize your menu to the needs of your guests. Call us today!